How to Plan and Attain Your Goals

Master the Use of the Administrative Scale and Flip on the Rocket Boosters in Your Life.

You CAN accomplish BIG things and make your dreams a reality…IF you go about it correctly. Big goals require a lot more than a twinkle in your eye. There are 10 vital tools that, when MASTERED, enable you to confidently and competently achieve goals that would remain castles in the sky for most.


Master the use of the Administrative Scale and flip on the rocket boosters in your life.

Have you ever wondered what you would do with your life if you truly couldn’t fail at anything? How might this change your life?

Would you move toward your goals with stronger purpose and relentless determination?

Would you laugh at obstacles and challenges?

Would you ignore negative comments from other people in your life?

Imagine that anything you wanted right now was available to you, and there was NO POSSIBLE WAY you could fail in your attempt to get it. How would that have changed the goals you’ve set in the past, and how might it change your current goals?

You may have doubts about your ability to achieve the goals you really want, so you settle for smaller ones that you know you can handle. The problem with doing this is that it leaves you working toward goals that don’t really keep you motivated. The smaller goals you’re setting may be “nice” but they’re not what REALLY get you fired up!

Well, you don’t have to settle for less. You CAN accomplish BIG things and make your dreams a reality…IF you go about it correctly. Big goals require a lot more than a twinkle in your eye. In order to make them a reality, you need to know how to…

Envision goals that will not only inspire and motivate YOU, but will enchant others too and win their loyal support. (And there’s a lot more to this than just dreaming up something like making a million dollars or having a big business—those types of goals will NOT work in the long run.)

Formulate purposes that align with your goals and that awaken the FIRE inside of you and make you excited to get to work every day. (Getting this wrong puts you in a position where you’re basically trying to drive forward with the emergency brake on….)

Devise brilliant, executable plans that lay the broad strokes of how you’re actually going to accomplish your goals, and then break these plans down into organized, step-by-step systems of action that make achieving success as straightforward as a “paint by numbers” piece. I’ve seen a lack of proper planning kill more good ideas than I could possibly count, and that’s because it’s not easy if you go about it wrong (and there are MANY ways to mess this up!).
Precisely define the valuable final products, ideal scenes, and key statistics of the activity so you can know if you’re going in the right direction and then methodically track your progress. Many people leave these steps out entirely and get so lost in “being busy” that they never realize their actions aren’t actually bringing them closer to their goals.
And more.

In fact, there are 10 vital tools that, when MASTERED, enable you to confidently and competently achieve goals that would remain castles in the sky for most.

These 10 tools make up what writer and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard called the “Administrative Scale,” and no matter what your career, industry, or interests, the Admin Scale will forever change how you dream, work, and succeed.

We have developed a series of lessons on the Administrative Scale that walk you through each tool, defining key words, providing real world examples, using learning drills to ensure full duplication and ability to apply, and more. We call this series of lessons How to Plan and Attain Your Goals.

So, if you currently run a company and are struggling with how to grow it, you NEED to learn what’s in these lessons. It can save you untold amounts of frustration and headache and put you firmly on the path to smooth, predictable expansion.

If you’re thinking about starting a business, do yourself a BIG favor and learn exactly how to use these 10 magical tools of success to attach some serious ROCKET BOOSTERS to your new activity, and strap in for a ride.

Plato once said that the beginning is the most important part of a work, and, boy, was he right. The Administrative Scale is where every activity should begin, and once you do these lessons, you’ll truly understand why.


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